Day: June 2, 2008

Mega Airport FRANKFURT X – EDDF is here

After some delays Aerosoft has released today it’s updated incarnation of FRA/EDDF Frankfurt International. And here is the blurb: “Fly to Germany´s busiest airport. This

This is what happens…… ROFL

Lately i have been digging around YouTube collecting FS videos for our new FS Video Wall and look at what i found today… this little

Flight1’s Pilatus PC-12 On CD

Flight1 Software is “……proud to announce that the CD version of the Pilatus PC-12 is now available for Flight Simulator X.  The ‘Officially Endorsed by

Tupolev TB3 From Icarus

Icarus has published an old Tupolev TB3-8 for FS2004 (and FS2002). Not exactly screaming new technology in any sense of the word, but a nice

FW Web Communicator

Pavel Sirenko reports about his FS Web Communicator. “……..It is an add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator which allows the player to browse the internet on