Quito Airport In Ecuador

Quito Airport in EcuadorBoris Forero has released a new version of Quito in Ecuador, for FS2004. “…….Located on the foothills of the Pichincha volcano, this city was founded in 1534. It has one of the highest airports in the world —9228’—, and at the same time, one of the hardest approaches. Beside from being located on the foothills of a volcano, Quito is also famous for being surrounded by many snow-covered mountains, for its bluish sky, its “historic center” and for being near the parallel 0º —the “Mitad del Mundo”—…….”.

“……Flying through the city you can recognize the most important buildings, stadiums and parks.

This new version of Quito improves textures, satellite images and moving jetways. This version is free for customers of Quito – Ecuador – Boris Forero, because this is an update of that package……”.

Available here on simMarket.