France VFR – AI ATC Radar FS2004/FSX

France VFR is proud to announce you its latest release: two radars within the same pack – the Radar AI-ATC simulating Air-traffic Control Tour and the On-board radar that is to be taken on board into the aircraft of your choice.

They were developed simultaneously for FS2004 and FSX in order to offer the virtual pilot a group of visual information for the navigation, such as aircraft type, registration, position, distance, altitude and direction regarding the nearby air traffic evolution. These pieces of information can be obtained either on the AI traffic during a standalone session or through the participants of a network session. Both radars are fully compatible with the Network sessions native of Microsoft Flight Simulator as well as other widespread servers (IBNet, FSHost).

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The radar integration is at your fingertips with the specific “Radar Configurator” software provided in the pack. It allows any user (novice welcome!) an easy and rapid integration for adding or removing your on-board radar in two clicks!


  • 2 radar packages : ATC Tower Radar and on-board radar
  • Visual informations AI and/or network traffic (type, registration, position, distance, heading, altitude…)
  • Radars range up to 40NM
  • 3 available visualisation modes : Global, Horizontal and Vertical
  • Full ATC environment informations display : Airports, Airspaces, VOR, ILS, NDB. INT, GRID, FPLN.
  • Specific software for on-board radar customization integrated : Radar Configurator. This software allows adding or removing the on-board radar.
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