Aerosoft – Airbuses v1.31 Update Released


Aerosoft have released the strongly awaited v1.31 of their A320/21 Airbus product. V1.31 includes a clean-up, Prepar3D v3 support along with a lot more minor things. I know many of you would have installed the older version into v3. If so, read the instructions below. If you wish to purchase the A320/21 or even the bundle which includes all their Airbuses (A318,A319,A320,A321) then you can do so on simMarket. Keep in mind the A318/A319 update isn’t released yet. Thanks

  1. Save the additional liveries you inserted (just use the livery manager to back them up)
  2. Using the software control applet de-install the current busses
  3. Manually check and remove when found:
    C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Aerosoft\Airbus folder
    FSXMainFolder\Aerosoft\Airbus_Fallback folder
    FSXMainFolder\SimObjects\Airplanes\all aerosoft airbus folders
  4. De-activate your virus scanner (there is at least one that gives a false positive)
  5. Install the new version(s)
  6. Activate your virus scanner
  7. Re-install the liveries
  8. Defrag your hard disk (NOT if you use an SSD!)

0 Responses

  1. Why they can’t simply give an update with a proper installer. Uninstalling everything and installing the new version is always error prone. Even if they list additional files to be removed, I still do not like this…

  2. well followed their advice to the letter and the backup of liveries didnt work and had to reinstall navigraph and 6 liveries. why oh why can they not release a service pack this must be the 12 th time i have re-installed the airbus, and i am sick of it.
    can you imagine if we get the same runaround with the CRJ????
    I think we will soon be able to charge for our work