World of AI is going to stop


Bad news for AI Traffic fanatics, World of AI will close on end of April 2013. They’ve produced for years hundreds of AI packages, easy and automatic to install, using real airlines schedules and quality AI aircraft produced by other groups like Aardvark.

But it seems like personal issues make them switch it off. Even the freeware files will be removed from the FS libraries over the web.

0 Responses

  1. Not a surprise…the number of files produced over the last year has been very small. Understandable, I have been in FS duldrums lately…
    They have to own the record for FS downloads though…the sites that their files are available are /always/ at the top of the most downloaded lists.

    I learned to use Alpha India Group flight plans with AIFP2 due to the low output of WOAI.

    The biggest advantage of the WOAI packages for me was that they included the best models from the best AI designers in an easily located and named location. It still makes it easy to add aircraft with new flightplans. I will miss that for sure…

    Farewell WOAI…you have been a good friend 🙂

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