Take on Helicopters gets rearmed

Most people who already have the sim probably already know about the “Downtown” update version 1.06 for Bohemia Interactive‘s Take on Helicopters. For those who don’t, though, the new update brings with it not only fixes and upgrades to the core TkOH engine, but also adds what the developers bill as a “major new free DLC” entitled “Take On Helicopters: Rearmed“.

To read the full press release and see what you can now add in that you couldn’t before, click “Read More“, below. The game can, of course, be purchased from simMarket.

Take On Helicopters and Arma 2 join forces in a new update
Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday 13 September 2012

Armacopters – With the release of update 1.06 (codenamed Downtown), Bohemia Interactive has rearmed its latest game Take On Helicopters. Aside a large number of fixes, improvements and optimizations to the core engine, the new Downtown update also implements a major new free DLC called Take On Helicopters: Rearmed. This DLC offers a convenient way for people owning titles suchs as Arma 2, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2: Combined Operations to get that content into Take On Helicopters.

Take On Helicopters Project Lead Joris-Jan van ‘t Land about the Rearmed initiative:
When we initially developed Take On Helicopters, its focus was on civilian flight. We still believe in this non-combat gameplay, but of course our studio’s origins lie in military gaming. By using some clever ways of merging installed products, without the player having to tweak manual settings, it is now possible to combine the two worlds. Take On Helicopters gets an incredible amount of new content, while many of the improvements are applied to it as well. I love flying a helicopter over Chernarus, bathed in improved lighting and covered by the beautiful clouds. Takistan is a more detailed part of South Asia and the ideal playground for combined arms desert operations.”

Additionally, a number of fixes and improvements to the core technology, which had recently been applied to other Bohemia Interactive games via the Operation Arrowhead beta patch program, have been ported across to Take On Helicopters – resulting in a significant performance boost when flying over densely populated areas such as Seattle Downtown, plus increased stability in the multiplayer code.

Last but not least, aspiring pilots might like to know that the price of Take On Helicopters, and the Take On Helicopters: Hinds DLC, has been significantly reduced. It means people can now start flying for up to 37% less than the original price.

To apply the Downtown update (including the free Rearmed DLC), players can download the installer from the updates section on the game’s official website. The Steam version of Take On Helicopters will be updated automatically.

Patch highlights:

  • Take On Helicopters: Rearmed
  • Disappearing cockpit bug fixed
  • Stability and performance tweaks merged from Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead