DBS-TCASDBS Studios from Russia have released their TCAS gauge. “….. TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) prevents pilots from mid-air collisions. DBS’s Universal TCAS system is designed to be used with any aircraft in Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X. As a universal system DBS’s TCAS can be simple added to any aircraft as standalone pop-up window or adapted to a specific panel throught editing the xml gauge…..”.

Available from simMarket here.

“….. Installation package contains predefined configuration to some aircraft supplied with Flight Simulator like Boeing 737-400, Beechcraft King Air 350 and some other. On some predefined configuration DBS TCAS replaces default variometer and provides displaying traffic situation, resolution advisory and vertical speed of aircraft.
The TCAS system is created as an interface and has a wide range of adaption options to panels. Detailed instructions for developers about installing TCAS system to custom aircraft coming soon on DBS Studio site in the Support section….”.

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