Avionics From Eaglesoft

Ron Hamilton of Eaglesoft reports that their new Avionics Expansion Pack is now available for purchase from their web site. “…..The pack includes a whole range of instruments such as the Mid Continent 4300 ESAI, the Garmin GMA340HI AudioCenter, Garmin 106A VOR Heads 1 & 2 and more. There is a Bonus FS2004 Version included with FSX purchase!…..”.

Full list of instruments included:

Mid Continent 4300 ESAI
Garmin GMA340HI AudioCenter
Garmin 106A VOR Heads 1 & 2
Garmin GTX330 Transponder: Vatsim and IVAO Ready
Garmin GNS 430 GPS
Garmin GNS 530 GPS
Sandel 3308 EADI
Sandel 4550 EHSI
Stec 55X Autopilot
Stec SA200 Altitude PreSelector w/Audio Annunciator